(Based on Blocks (1 - 8)
Course Code: MEG-07 Assignment Code: MEG-07/TMA/2022-23 Max. Marks: 100
1. Write short note on:
a) Forms of ProseAns:
Prose is a form of written or spoken language that does not follow a metrical structure or rhyme scheme. It is typically used for everyday communication and can take on various forms.
Here are some common forms of prose:
Fiction: This is prose that is imagined and invented by the writer. It can include novels, novellas, short stories, and flash fiction..............
(For the full set of answers of 1st and 2nd year MEG assignments/study notes WhatsApp me : +91 99 471 471 85)
Prose is a form of written or spoken language that does not follow a metrical structure or rhyme scheme. It is typically used for everyday communication and can take on various forms.
Here are some common forms of prose:
Fiction: This is prose that is imagined and invented by the writer. It can include novels, novellas, short stories, and flash fiction..............
(For the full set of answers of 1st and 2nd year MEG assignments/study notes WhatsApp me : +91 99 471 471 85)