
Monday, June 02, 2014


1.      Go for walk        
2.      Clean dishes     
3.      Wash clothes   
4.      Wake up early 
5.      Read newspaper
6.      Visit relatives
7.      Go to sleep early
8.      Pray everyday
9.      Smoke
10.  Drink milk
11.  Study lessons
12.  Dance
13.  Sing
14.  Read novels
15.  Write diary
16.  Eat vegetables
17.  Chat with friends
18.  Browse internet
19.  Watch television
20.  Take bath everyday
21.  Ride bike
22.  Listen to songs
23.  Help your parents
24.  Understand Arabic
25.  Say truth
26.  Meet strangers
27.  Tease people
28.  Drive alone
29.  Tolerate hurting
30.  Annoy at people
31.  Ask questions
32.  Go out with friends
33.  Expect miracles
34.  Throw up during journeys
35.  Humiliate others
36.  Go fishing
37.  Travel by train
38.  Boast about you
39.  Cook
40.  Revise lessons
41.  Recite Quran
42.  Go on tour
43.  Use Facebook
44.  Send emails
45.  Miss classes
46.  Hurt people
47.  Respect teachers
48.  Forget your keys
49.  Eat in a restaurant
50.  Play football
51.  Drink coffee
52.  Speak English
53.  Draw pictures
54.  Read magazines
55.  Make tea
56.  Stay up late
57.  Read editorials
58.  Solve Sudoku
59.  Iron your dress
60.  Go shopping
61.  Ware cap
62.  Watch films
63.  Think about your future
64.  Carry a pen always
65.  Disobey your parents
66.  Recharge your phone
67.   Clean your table
68.  Snore in your sleep
69.  Celebrate birthday
70.  Advise your pals
71.  Consider others
72.  Write poems
73.  Doze off during the class
74.  Comb your hair
75.  Make your bed
76.  Set alarm
77.  Go sight seeing
78.  Work out (exercise)
79.  Get mad at parents
80.  Fast during ramzan
81.  Sleep early
82.  Day dream
83.  Say sorry
84.  Hug your friends
85.  Regret your mistakes
86.  Believe in luck
87.  Complain others
88.  Memorize phone Nos
89.  Chop vegetables
90.  Take a nap at noon
91.  Plant trees
92.  Argue with your dad
93.  Feed your pets
94.  Borrow money
95.  Pay off your debts
96.  Get pissed off easily
97.  Sweep your floor
98.  Count the balance
99.  Pick your nose
100. hire taxi for travelling