
Saturday, July 18, 2020

Character of Dr Faustus as a tragic figure

MEG – 02: British Drama
ASSIGNMENT 2019 - 2020

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1. Discuss the character of Dr Faustus as a tragic figure.

Answer.: Understanding of Christopher Marlowe's Elizabethan tragedy, Dr. Faustus, can be framed in terms of the Renaissance philosophy and the Elizabethan tragedy, which takes a different turn on some points from the Aristotelian tragedy, for instance such as the Elizabethan tragedy's requisite death of the tragic hero. Dr. Faustus demonstrates the Renaissance philosophy that pits the dichotomy of good, angelic humanity against evil, depraved humanity. Marlowe's play also is a model of the Elizabethan tragedy.

Marlowe constructed the character of Dr. Faustus to represent within himself both characteristics of the Renaissance view of humanity as divinely good and hellishly evil. First, Dr. Faustus is presented as a scholar of all things including divinity, the highest Renaissance scholarly discipline. Then, Faustus is shown as dissatisfied with the limitations of humanity and grasping for unlimited knowledge, which is a Biblical allusion to Adam and Eve who ate of the Tree of Knowledge. Throughout the play, Faustus descends to lower and lower planes of knowledge in his pursuit for the "power" and "omnipotence" that comes from knowledge.

(For the complete answer and also the full set of answers of 1st and 2nd year MEG  assignments/study notes mail me :, you may also call or WhatsApp me to get instant reply: +91 99 471 471 85)

Sylvia Plath’s Daddy to be an expression against the voice of patriarchy.

MEG – 01: British Poetry
ASSIGNMENT 2019 - 2020
(Based on Blocks (1 - 9)

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Q5. Would you consider Sylvia Plath’s Daddy to be an expression against the voice of patriarchy? Comment critically.

Answer. This poem is a very strong expression of resentment against the male domination of women and also the violence of all kinds for which man is responsible. The speaker expresses her rage against her 'daddy', but daddy himself is a symbol of male.

As well as a symbol of more general agents and forces like science and reason, violence and war, the German and theirs Hitler, and all other “inhuman” agents of oppression in the world. The speaker is also a symbol of female and the creative force, humility, love and humanity in general.

(For the complete answer and also the full set of answers of 1st and 2nd year MEG  assignments/study notes mail me :, you may also call or WhatsApp me to get instant reply: +91 99 471 471 85)

Milton reflects on blindness in Sonnets 19 & 23.

MEG – 01: British Poetry
ASSIGNMENT 2019 - 2020
(Based on Blocks (1 - 9)

                                                                          Max. Marks: 100

Q4. Would you agree that Milton reflects on blindness in Sonnets 19 & 23? Give a reasoned answer.

Answer. In his poem "On His Blindness," sometimes referred to as "When I consider how my light is spent" (the first line of the poem), John Milton reflects on his gradual loss of his sight and what it means for his work and his faith.

The poem begins with these lines:

WHEN I consider how my light is spent
E're half my days, in this dark world and wide,
And that one Talent which is death to hide,
Lodg'd with me useless, though my Soul more bent
To serve therewith my Maker, and present
My true account, least he returning chide (lines 1–6)

(For the complete answer and also the full set of answers of 1st and 2nd year MEG  assignments/study notes mail me :, you may also call or WhatsApp me to get instant reply: +91 99 471 471 85)

Comparison between the Epithalamion and the Prothalamion as wedding songs.

MEG – 01: British Poetry
ASSIGNMENT 2019 - 2020
(Based on Blocks (1 - 9)

                                                                          Max. Marks: 100

Q3. Attempt a comparison between the Epithalamion and the Prothalamion as wedding songs.

Answer. Spencer's Epithalamion and Prothalamion both highlight the theme of marriage. However, the Epithalamion celebrates Spencer's own marriage to Elizabeth Boyle, while the Prothalamion is a nuptial song celebrating the respective marriages of Elizabeth and Katherine Somerset (the daughters of the Earl of Worcester) to Henry Gilford and William Peter.

The Epithalamion celebrates the groom and bride's preparations on the day of their marriage. Both the Epithalamion and Prothalamion highlight the importance of nymphs to the wedding preparations. In the Epithalamion, the nymphs cover the bride's path to the bridal bower with flowers. They protect the sanctity of the woods and the lakes so that the bride will have a perfect wedding day. Likewise, in the Prothalamion, the nymphs gather a profusion of flowers in order to braid Katherine and Elizabeth's bridal crowns. Spencer makes full use of pagan images of fertility in both poems.

(For the complete answer and also the full set of answers of 1st and 2nd year MEG  assignments/study notes mail me :, you may also call or WhatsApp me to get instant reply: +91 99 471 471 85)

The salient features of Romanticism with illustrations

MEG – 01: British Poetry
ASSIGNMENT 2019 - 2020
(Based on Blocks (1 - 9)

                                                                          Max. Marks: 100

Q2. Highlight the salient features of Romanticism with illustrations from the poems prescribed for study.

Answer. The Romantic revival refers to a period from the late eighteenth century through 1832 in which poets, writers, and artists across Europe, but particularly in Germany and England, reacted against the Neoclassicism that preceded them. Neoclassical poetry was rooted in Greek and Roman models and used strict forms, such as carefully metered rhyming couplets in poetry.

It valued balance and emotional restraint and tended to concentrate on the deeds of great men. The Romantics rebelled against all this, seeking a greater emphasis on emotions, experimenting with freer verse (or artistic) forms, and focusing attention on common people and nature. In poetry, the movement is most strongly associated with Goethe in Germany and Wordsworth and Coleridge in England.

(For the complete answer and also the full set of answers of 1st and 2nd year MEG  assignments/study notes mail me :, you may also call or WhatsApp me to get instant reply: +91 99 471 471 85)

I wonder by my troth, what thou, and I Did, till we lov’d? were we not wean’d till then?

MEG – 01: British Poetry
ASSIGNMENT 2019 - 2020
(Based on Blocks (1 - 9)

                                                                          Max. Marks: 100
I wonder by my troth, what thou, and I
Did, till we lov’d? were we not wean’d till then?

Answer. These lines are from John Donne’s poem ‘The Good-Morrow’. ‘The Good- Morrow’, published in Donne’s 1633 collection Songs and Sonnets, is written from the point of view of an awaking lover and describes the lover’s thoughts as he wakes next to his partner.
These are the opening lines of the poem. It has a reference to a Catholic legend. It also refers to the Seven Sleepers, the Catholic legend of seven Christian children, persecuted for their faith during the reign of the Roman emperor Decius, who fled to the shelter of a cave where they slept for more than 200 years. Donne, one of six or seven children and a baptized Catholic during a time of strong anti-Catholic sentiment from both the populace and the government, would certainly have been familiar with the story.

(For the complete answer and also the full set of answers of 1st and 2nd year MEG  assignments/study notes mail me :, you may also call or Whatsapp me to get instant reply: +919947147185)

Now, sire”, quod she, “When we flee fro the bemes For Goddess love, as taak som laxative. Up peril of my soule and o lif, I counseille yow the beeste, I wol nat lye,

MEG – 01: British Poetry
ASSIGNMENT 2019 - 2020
(Based on Blocks (1 - 9)

                                                                          Max. Marks: 100
Now, sire”, quod she, “When we flee fro the bemes
For Goddess love, as taak som laxative. Up peril of my soule and o lif,
I counseille yow the beeste, I wol nat lye,

These lines have taken from 'The prologue of the nun's priest ' by Geoffrey chaucer.
After the Monk has told his tale, the Knight pleads that no more tragedies be told. He asks that someone tell a tale that is the opposite of tragedy, one that narrates the extreme good fortune of someone previously brought low. The Host picks the Nun’s Priest, the priest traveling with the Prioress and her nun, and demands that he tell a tale that will gladden the hearts of the company members.

(For the complete answer and also the full set of answers of 1st and 2nd year MEG  assignments/study notes mail me :, you may also call or Whatsapp me to get instant reply: +919947147185)

Monday, December 03, 2018

My Father’s Hands My father’s hands are beautiful, they can fix this moth’s wing

ASSIGNMENT 2018 - 2019
(Based on Blocks (1 - 9)
          Max. Marks: 100

5. Read the following poem and answer the questions that follow:
My Father’s Hands
My father’s hands
are beautiful, they can
fix this moth’s wing and make machines
they can mend the fuse when the world
goes dark
can make light swim and walls jump in around me again
I can see my mother’s face again.
[The rest of the poem is in the question paper, just using the first part only]

i Pick out the verbs that describe what the father’s hand do.
The father's hand can fix the wings of a moth, make machines, mend the fuse during blackouts, make light swim and wals jump....................

(For the complete answer and also the full set of answers of 1st and 2nd year MEG  assignments/study notes mail me :, you may also call or Whatsapp me to get instant reply: +919947147185)

click here  to watch my ignou videos 
click here to watch poetry explanation 
click here to watch my strategy to prepare for poetry exam

Click here to download Poetry notes (MEG 01)
Click here to download Aspects of language notes ( meg 04)
Click here to download the e-book on How to prepare for ignou exams

What is the difference between the Generativists and Structuralists

ASSIGNMENT 2018 - 2019
(Based on Blocks (1 - 9)
          Max. Marks: 100

4. What is the difference between the Generativists and Structuralists? In what way have the Generative insights into language contributed to linguistic theory?

Generative grammar  is the theory of language proposed by Chomsky in his Syntactic Structures (1957). It provides a set of finite rules that defines the unlimited number of sentences of the language and associates each with an appropriate grammatical description.

There are two principal goals which underline this theory. They are :

  1. The universal features (i.e features which are intrinsic to language as a whole) which constitute grammars of individual language should be characterized in formal terms.
  2. Formal statements should be provided for characterizing the grammars of individual languages. This goal is equated with characterizing the tacit knowledge or competence which native speakers have about syntactic, phonological, morphological and semantic patterning in their language. Generative grammar sees the theory of competence as forming a central component of language which interacts with principles from cognition, neurology, physiology and other domains to give language its overall character

(For the complete answer and also the full set of answers of 1st and 2nd year MEG  assignments/study notes mail me :, you may also call or Whatsapp me to get instant reply: +919947147185)

click here  to watch my ignou videos 
click here to watch poetry explanation 
click here to watch my strategy to prepare for poetry exam

Click here to download Poetry notes (MEG 01)
Click here to download Aspects of language notes ( meg 04)
Click here to download the e-book on How to prepare for ignou exams

How is inflectional morphology different from derivational morphology?

ASSIGNMENT 2018 - 2019
(Based on Blocks (1 - 9)
          Max. Marks: 100

3. How is inflectional morphology different from derivational morphology? Discuss, give examples.

The inflection morphology of a language is usually discussed in terms of paradigm. A paradigm refers to a set of form derived by the application of certain grammatical rules to a lexical, or, in the case of pronouns and auxiliaries, to a function word. This English verb has a paradigm (―the verb paradigm‖) which consists of the grammatical words derived by the application of those grammar rules which are pertinent to the English verb. For example, the paradigm of the verb ―break‖ contains the forms break, breaks, breaking, broke, broken. Each of these forms is derived by the application of separate grammar rules like present tense formation, past tense formation, past participle formation, etc

Inflectional vs. Derivational Morphology

John Lyons ( 1968) tells us that grammars written in the classical tradition of Greek and Latin were generally divided into three section

(For the complete answer and also the full set of answers of 1st and 2nd year MEG  assignments/study notes mail me :, you may also call or Whatsapp me to get instant reply: +919947147185)

click here  to watch my ignou videos 
click here to watch poetry explanation 
click here to watch my strategy to prepare for poetry exam

Click here to download Poetry notes (MEG 01)
Click here to download Aspects of language notes ( meg 04)
Click here to download the e-book on How to prepare for ignou exams