MEG - 04: Aspects of Language
2015- 2016
Max. Marks: 100
Discuss the general methodological principles of Saussure. Give examples to Illustrate your answer
The foundational principles of structural functional
linguistics were based on the lectures notes of the great Swiss linguist
Ferdinand de Saussure, published posthumously as Cours de Linguistique
Generale. These principles entered into structuralist model of linguistics and
provided a turning point in the history of linguistics. The following are the general methodological
principles of Saussure.
Langue and Parole (language
structure vs speaking in a language)
making distinctions between the linguistic system and its actual manifestation,
we arrive at the crucial opposition between langue and parole. Langue is the
system or structure of a language whereas parole is the activity of speaking in
a language or actual speech. According to Saussure, within the whole field of
linguistic activity (language), we should distinguish between the language
system (langue) and speaking or writing the language (parole). The three way
distinction may be understood as following:
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