
Saturday, February 06, 2016

Astride of a grave and difficult birth. Down in the hole,......

(Based on Blocks 1-9)
Programme: MEG
Ast code: MEG-02/TMA/2015-16
Max. Marks: 100

e.    Astride of a grave and difficult birth. Down in the hole, lingeringly, the grave –
diggers puts on the forceps. We have time to grow old. The air is full of our cries.
But habit is a great deadener.

These lines are taken from the play, “Waiting for Godot” by Samuel Beckett.

               These are Vladimir's quote in reference to something that Pozzo said as he was leaving the stage. Pozza expresses his extreme frustration with..............
(For the complete answer and also the full set of answers of MEG 01 to MEG 08 mail me :, you may also call or Whatsapp me to get instant reply: +919947147185)

It is not in time that my death shall be known; It is out of time that my decision is taken

(Based on Blocks 1-9)
Programme: MEG
Ast code: MEG-02/TMA/2015-16
Max. Marks: 100
d.    It is not in time that my death shall be known;
It is out of time that my decision is taken
These lines are taken from T.S Eliot’s “Murder in the Cathedral “

                The most significant element of the passage is the way it uses the term "time". In the ancient Greek of the New Testament........
(For the complete answer and also the full set of answers of MEG 01 to MEG 08 mail me :, you may also call or Whatsapp me to get instant reply: +919947147185)

I hit a blow on the ridge of his Skull, laid him stretched out, and he split to the knob of his gullet

(Based on Blocks 1-9)
Programme: MEG
Ast code: MEG-02/TMA/2015-16
Max. Marks: 100
c. I hit a blow on the ridge of his Skull, laid him stretched out,
and he split to the knob of his gullet.
These lines are taken from The Playboy of the Western World which is Synge’s masterpiece, capturing his major themes in their most complex form.

                    Christy points out that his father...............
(For the complete answer and also the full set of answers of MEG 01 to MEG 08 mail me :, you may also call or WhatsApp me to get instant reply: +919947147185)

Weigh oath with oath, and you will nothing weigh: Your vows to her and me, put in two scales

(Based on Blocks 1-9)
Programme: MEG
Ast code: MEG-02/TMA/2015-16
Max. Marks: 100

b) Weigh oath with oath, and you will nothing weigh:
Your vows to her and me, put in two scales,
Will even weigh; and both as light as tales.

            These lines are taken form William Shakespeare’s ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’.
In another part of the wood, Oberon wonders if Titania has awoken from her slumber. He's hoping that she laid her eyes on a vile beast. Enter Puck with the answer. He tells Oberon that............
 (For the complete answer and also the full set of answers of MEG 01 to MEG 08 mail me :, you may also call or Whatsapp me to get instant reply: +919947147185)

See, see, where Christ’s blood streams in the firmament! One drop would save my soul, half a drop: Ah, my Christ

(Based on Blocks 1-9)
Programme: MEG
Ast code: MEG-02/TMA/2015-16
Max. Marks: 100

QNO1: Explain the following passages with reference to their contexts and supply brief critical comments where necessary :

                          a)   See, see, where Christ’s blood streams in the firmament!
           One drop would save my soul, half a drop: Ah, my Christ.

                These lines come from Faustus’s final speech, just before the devils take him down to hell. It is easily the most dramatic moment in the play, and Marlowe uses some of his finest rhetoric to create an unforgettable portrait of the mind of a man about to carry off to a horrific doom.  
(For the complete answer and also the full set of answers of MEG 01 to MEG 08 mail me :, you may also call or WhatsApp me to get instant reply: +919947147185)

Blends in English morphology ( MEG 04 ASPECTS OF LANGUAGE)

Blending is one of the five minor processes which are used in English for coining new words.
They are words coined by elements from two other words.
            We have all come across such words in advertisements, since advertisers and copy-writers are rather found of this device for creating new brand-names and their descriptions. Thus, a new two-wheeler is called ‘Fantabulous’, which blends elements from the two words.........................

(For the complete answer and also the full set of answers of MEG 01 to MEG 08 mail me :, you may also call or WhatsApp me to get instant reply: +919947147185)

The scope of Quantifiers (MEG 04 ASPECTS OF LANGUAGE)

Quantifiers are expressions that indicate quantities, hence the term “quantifier”. Thus, the numerals one, two, twenty, etc., form a special class of quantifier expression; and so called “quantitative adjectives” such as all, some, many, any, each, etc., also belong to the class of quantifiers. Also included in the class of quantifiers are so-called “indefinite pronouns “such as someone, something, everybody, anything, since these also convey something about the number or proportion of persons and objects.
            The scope of quantifiers comes when two quantifiers expression can interact with each other. An example is the following sentence:
(For the complete answer and also the full set of answers of MEG 01 to MEG 08 mail me :, you may also call or WhatsApp me to get instant reply: +919947147185)

Problems in defining a speech community ( MEG 04 ASPECTS OF LANGUAGE)

The term ‘speech community is probably derived from The German ‘Sprachgemeinschaft’ and refers to a group of individuals who share, inter alia, certain linguistic features and who might be said to speak the same language (or dialect or variety).
            In other words, any groups of people who perceive themselves as belonging to one community on the basis of some shared values, customs, manners, etc. may qualify to be called a speech community if they also share a common language and see themselves as being different from speakers of other languages. 
(For the complete answer and also the full set of answers of MEG 01 to MEG 08 mail me :, you may also call or WhatsApp me to get instant reply: +919947147185)

Problems in defining a speech community

MEG - 04: Aspects of Language
ASSIGNMENT 2015- 2016
 Max. Marks: 100

i)             Problems in defining a speech community

                  The term ‘speech community is probably derived from The German ‘Sprachgemeinschaft’ and refers to a group of individuals who share, inter alia, certain linguistic features and who might be said to speak the same language (or dialect or variety).
            In other words, any groups of people who perceive themselves as belonging to one community on the basis of some shared values, customs, manners, etc. may qualify to be called a speech community if they also share a common language and see themselves as being different from speakers of other languages. 
(For the complete answer and also the full set of answers of MEG 01 to MEG 08 mail me :, you may also call or WhatsApp me to get instant reply: +919947147185)

Growth of English in India

MEG - 04: Aspects of Language
 ASSIGNMENT 2015- 2016
 Max. Marks: 100

Discuss the growth of English in India. Describe some of the features which separate Indian English from other varieties of English

By the year 1600, England had established trading contacts with three continents- America, Africa, and Asia. The growth of English in South Asia and especially in India can directly correlated with the growth of imperial rule in India.
It is customary to trace the roots of English on the Indian subcontinent to 31 December, 1600, when Queen Elizabeth 1 granted a Charter to a few merchant of the city of London giving them a monopoly of trade with in India and the East. It must be noted in this early phase of arrival that the British, first and foremost, were committed to the expansion of trade rather than territory, which meant that the language of administration that required speakers and comprehends, was still not involved. The language of trade essentially meant the influx of certain Indian words into the English vocabulary and vice-versa for effective communication between tow trading communities. The language however, found a different outlet to speared itself-missionary work and proselytization.
(For the complete answer and also the full set of answers of MEG 01 to MEG 08 mail me :, you may also call or WhatsApp me to get instant reply: +919947147185) 

What is language planning? Why do we require it? Discuss the various types of language planning

MEG - 04: Aspects of Language
 ASSIGNMENT 2015- 2016
 Max. Marks: 100

“Language planning is deliberate language change; that is; changes in the systems of language code or speaking or both that are planned by organizations that are established for such purposes or given a mandate to fulfill such purposes. As such, language planning is focused on problem-solving and is characterized by the formulation and evaluation of alternatives for solving language problems to find the best (or optimal, most efficient) decisions” __Rubin and Jernudd
When we talk about the requirement of language planning, we are talking about the goals of language planning as follows
Between 1984 and 1990, there has been a remarkable increase in the list of goals that language planning activities are expected to carry out

 (For the complete answer and also the full set of answers of MEG 01 to MEG 08 mail me :, you may also call or WhatsApp me to get instant reply: +919947147185)

Inflectional morphology

MEG - 04: Aspects of Language
 ASSIGNMENT 2015- 2016
 Max. Marks: 100

The inflection morphology of a language is usually discussed in terms of paradigm. A paradigm refers to a set of form derived by the application of certain grammatical rules to a lexical, or, in the case of pronouns and auxiliaries, to a function word. This English verb has a paradigm (‘the verb paradigm’) which consists of the grammatical words derived by the application of those grammar rules which are pertinent to the English verb. For example, the paradigm of the verb ‘break’ contains the forms break, breaks, breaking, broke, broken. Each of these forms is derived by the application of separate grammar rules like present tense formation, past tense formation, past participle formation, etc.
Inflectional vs. Derivational Morphology
John Lyons ( 1968) tells us that grammars written in the classical tradition of Greek and Latin were generally divided into three section :

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General methodological principles of Saussure

MEG - 04: Aspects of Language
ASSIGNMENT 2015- 2016
 Max. Marks: 100

Discuss the general methodological principles of Saussure. Give examples to Illustrate your answer

The foundational principles of structural functional linguistics were based on the lectures notes of the great Swiss linguist Ferdinand de Saussure, published posthumously as Cours de Linguistique Generale. These principles entered into structuralist model of linguistics and provided a turning point in the history of linguistics.  The following are the general methodological principles of Saussure.
            Langue and Parole (language structure vs speaking in a language)
While making distinctions between the linguistic system and its actual manifestation, we arrive at the crucial opposition between langue and parole. Langue is the system or structure of a language whereas parole is the activity of speaking in a language or actual speech. According to Saussure, within the whole field of linguistic activity (language), we should distinguish between the language system (langue) and speaking or writing the language (parole). The three way distinction may be understood as following:
( Mail me for the complete answer : Or   WhatsApp me to get instant reply ( +91 99 471 471 85)

Stream of Consciousness

ASSIGNMENT 2015- 2016
 Max. Marks: 100

What do you understand by the term ‘Stream of Consciousness’, explain with reference to A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

        In literature, stream of consciousness is a method of narration that describes in words the flow of thoughts in the minds of the characters. The term was initially coined by a psychologist William James in his research “The Principles of Psychology”.             
          This method is in evidence at many places in A Portrait, more so in the opening and the closing pages of the novel. The emphasis in the ‘stream of consciousness’ method is on the psychic being of the characters and the associative mode is kept in the forefront of Stephen’s consciousness. This is at the heart of the novel as it is both its subject matter and its major structuring mechanism. 

 (For the complete answer and also the full set of answers of MEG 03 mail me :, you may also WhatsApp me: +919947147185)