
Thursday, December 09, 2021

A consonant during the articulation of which the vocal cords vibrate is called a VOICED consonant.


ASSIGNMENT 2021 - 2022

1. A consonant during the articulation of which the vocal cords vibrate is called a ________________ consonant.
2. A consonant during the articulation of which there is no velic opening or the oral cavity is closed then it is called a ____________________ consonant. 
3. The difference between a plosive and an affricate is that during the articulation of plosives the release of air is __________________ and during the articulation of affricates the release is __________________. 
4. Allophones are __________________of the same __________________. 
5. Vowels are more _________________ than consonants. There is little or no __________________in the production of vowels. 
6. ________________ is a sound which is present in your mother tongue but not in English. (use IPA to indicate the sound) 
7. __________ is a voiceless bilabial plosive and ___________ is a voiced alveolar lateral phoneme in English. (use IPA to indicate the phoneme)
8. A speech sound which patterns like a consonant but is phonetically a brief vowel such as /w/ in win is called a _____________. 9. Fricatives are produced by a ________________ in the vocal tract so as to ______________. 10. The _______________ vowels serve as points of reference for identifying real vowels in actual languages.

Answers :

1. voiced, 

2. voiceless, 

3. blocked, Open, 

4. sounds, set of sounds, 

5. sounds, construction, 

6. Jargon,

7. b, d, 

8. syllabic speech sound, 

9. hissing, produces sound, 

10. cardinal.

For the full set of answers of 1st and 2nd year MEG  assignments/study notes  call or WhatsApp me : +91 99 471 471 85).

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