
Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Role of translation in Indian literature

Course Code: MEG-14
Assignment Code: MEG-14/TMA/2016-17
Max. Marks: 100

What role has translation played in Indian literature? Select a text that has been translated from a regional language into English and write a review of the translation – its positive and negative points and how effective the translation is.

Translation holds a special place in the literary process as each literary genre relies certain kind of translation. Thus, for the translation of literature used literary translation, which is a special kind of translation, because it is not accurate transfer of content and reflection of the views and feelings of the author's prose or poetic nuance through the use of another language

(For the complete answer and also the full set of answers of 1st and 2nd year MEG  mail me :, you may also call or Whatsapp me to get instant reply: +919947147185)

How did the Bhakti movement influence Indian writing?

Course Code: MEG-14
Assignment Code: MEG-14/TMA/2016-17
Max. Marks: 100

Answer any four questions:
All questions carry equal marks.

Q1:-How did the Bhakti movement influence Indian writing? Choose a Bhakti poet from your region and discuss a few of his/her poems from the point of view of their ‘Indianness’.

The Bhakti Movement was a reform movement in Hinduism. It occupies a significant position in bringing about harmony and normal relationships between the Hindus and Muslims.
Bhakti and Sufi Movement in India
On January 7, 2014 By Rajiv SinghCategory: Religion in India
Bhakti and Sufi Movement
The Bhakti and Sufi Movement in India played an important role in bringing harmony between the Hindus and the Muslims.
Bhakti Movement
The Bhakti Movement was a reform movement in Hinduism............

(For the complete answer and also the full set of answers of 1st and 2nd year MEG  mail me :, you may also call or Whatsapp me to get instant reply: +919947147185)

Sunday, February 12, 2017

How do both post modernism and post structuralism contribute to the ‘logics of disintegration?



QN05: How do both post modernism and post structuralism contribute to the ‘logics of disintegration?

The impact of language-based theories was felt in Western criticism, of which English criticism deliberately here because English criticism from the nineteen sixties onward did not remain confined to consideration of English or American writing. Instead, it took influences from trends in European thought and also started relating English writing to literatures of other countries.

(For the complete answer and also the full set of answers of 1st and 2nd year MEG  mail me :, you may also call or Whatsapp me to get instant reply: +919947147185) 

The sign theory of Language as propounded by Saussure highlighting its specific features



QN04: Outline the sign theory of Language as propounded by Saussure highlighting its specific features.

Ferdinand de Saussure revolutionized linguistic by declaring that the way language functions is quite arbitrary in the sense that there is no obvious correlation between a linguistic or phonetic utterance/unit and the idea or thing it tries to refer to/convey.

A linguistic sign has two components:.......................................

(For the complete answer and also the full set of answers of 1st and 2nd year MEG  mail me :, you may also call or Whatsapp me to get instant reply: +919947147185)

Wollstonecraft’s ‘An Introduction’ as constrained by being the product of its day and age.



QN03: Examine Wollstonecraft’s ‘An Introduction’ as constrained by being the product of its day and age.

Mary Wollstonecraft was an English writer, philosopher, and advocate of women's rights. Her key work ‘A Vindication of the Rights of Woman’ is concerned with the status and right issues of women in the late 18th century. It is an absolute product of its day and age.
Mary Wollstonecraft’s ‘A Vindication of the Rights of Woman, with Strictures on Political and Moral Subjects’ is considered by many to be the manifesto .......

(For the complete answer and also the full set of answers of 1st and 2nd year MEG  mail me :, you may also call or Whatsapp me to get instant reply: +919947147185) 

Wordsworth and Coleridge-who had greater influence on modern criticism?



QN 02: Of the two-Wordsworth and Coleridge-who had greater influence on modern criticism and in what respects?

Wordsworth’s criticism is limited in scope whereas the range Coleridge as a critic was vast. In his own way he was a system builder and always thought within a larger philosophical context. He considered criticism to be an important part of literary study. Coleridge paved the way for appreciation of great poetry as is evident in his praise for Wordsworth’s poetry. He is mostly subjective but Coleridge gives ample evidence of both subjectivity and objectivity. 

(For the complete answer and also the full set of answers of 1st and 2nd year MEG  mail me :, you may also call or Whatsapp me to get instant reply: +919947147185) 

Bakhtian’s main concerns regarding language



QNO1: What were Bakhtian’s main concerns regarding language? How does he treat language?

Mikhail Bakhtin was a Russian genre critic whose theories were not just influential but also directly related to literature. His genre, of course, was the novel and he looked at the novel in, well, novel ways.
Bakhtin was concerned with language or discourse as a social activity. The Bakhtin School comprising Bakhtin, Pavel Medvedev and Valentin Voloshinov believed ‘words’ to be active,....................................

(For the complete answer and also the full set of answers of 1st and 2nd year MEG  mail me :, you may also call or Whatsapp me to get instant reply: +919947147185) 

Compare Premchand’s writing with that of Mulk Raj Anand and Raja Rao

ASSIGNMENT 2016 - 2017

(Based on Blocks 1 – 8)

Q5:-Compare Premchand’s writing with that of Mulk Raj Anand and Raja Rao and investment the way in which they come to terms with the problem of language and reader from their respective positions

The young writer Premchand was a contemporary of Tagore and was junior to him by two decades. The main theme of Premchand was the society specially the concern for India and national movement. Premchand’s mind was attracted by the evolution of Arya Samaj Movement in the 19th century. Premchand had the power to develop relation between social reform and politics. In his writings he has put stress on the social evils and tried to create awareness in the masses towards them. Although Prem Chand was well-versed in Urdu, English and the regional language (from the region he belonged to i.e. East Uttar Pradesh) but unlike other writers he preferred to write in Hindi

(For the complete answer and also the full set of answers of 1st and 2nd year MEG  mail me :, you may also call or Whatsapp me to get instant reply: +919947147185)

Relationship between criticism and literature

ASSIGNMENT 2016 - 2017

(Based on Blocks 1 – 8)

Q4:- Critically   examine the relationship between criticism and literature.

Literary theory is the arena of literature where some established theories set by different theorists are used as yardsticks to criticize different literary pieces. These set principles we study in order to judge any prose or poetry. That's what actually the relationship between the term 'theory' & 'criticism'

Contemporary literary theory and criticism encompasses a complex and changing group of disciplines. There arethree main areas of study: literary theory, the history of literature, and literary criticism in the strict sense (literaturnaia kritika). The theory ofliterature investigates the general laws of the structure and development .....................

(For the complete answer and also the full set of answers of 1st and 2nd year MEG  mail me :, you may also call or Whatsapp me to get instant reply: +919947147185)

Link between language teaching and the study of literary texts

ASSIGNMENT 2016 - 2017

(Based on Blocks 1 – 8)

Q3:-Bring out the link between language teaching and the study of literary texts.

The teaching of literature has recently been resurrected as a vital component of English language teaching. Over the past few decades, there has been much discussion on the value of attempting to teach any kind of literature, whether it be the classics or any imaginative work written in English, as part of an English language syllabus. For instance, in the sixties and seventies, there was a distinct reaction against the use of any literary English before the pendulum swung again in support of literature teaching. The opposition towards literature may well have been due to the impact of the approaches that were practised in the decades prior to the sixties and seventies and prevailing ideas in language teaching and methodology

(For the complete answer and also the full set of answers of 1st and 2nd year MEG  mail me :, you may also call or Whatsapp me to get instant reply: +919947147185)

Choice of language in the writing of a novel

ASSIGNMENT 2016 - 2017

(Based on Blocks 1 – 8)

Q2:- What role does the choice of language play in the writing of a novel, particularly when one of the available languages enjoys social power?

The language has penetrated deeply in the society, which has, in its turn, resulted in several varieties of English in India. The development of those new varieties is connected with historical and social factors. The new English’s have all their own contexts of function and usage, and they have also, in their turn, affected the native varieties of English

(For the complete answer and also the full set of answers of 1st and 2nd year MEG  mail me :, you may also call or Whatsapp me to get instant reply: +919947147185)

Emergence of English Writing by Indians

ASSIGNMENT 2016 - 2017

(Based on Blocks 1 – 8)

Q1:-Discuss some of the circumstances that led to the emergence of English Writing by Indians?

Indian writing in English has a relatively short but highly charged history. In 1793, Sake Dean Mahomed wrote perhaps the first book by an Indian in English, called The Travels of Dean Mahomed. However, most early Indian writing in English was non-fictional work, such as biographies and political essays. This began to change in the late 1800s, when famous Indian authors who wrote mostly in their mother tongue, began to try their hand at writing in English. In the early 1900s, Rabindranath Tagore began translating his works from Bengali to English

(For the complete answer and also the full set of answers of 1st and 2nd year MEG  mail me :, you may also call or Whatsapp me to get instant reply: +919947147185)

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

The title, theme of redemption and the imagery present in the novel The Stone Angel

July 2016 & January 2017 Sessions

Programme: MEG
Assignment Code: MEG-08/TMA/2016-17

Max Marks: 100

10. Discuss the major aspects like the title, theme of redemption and the imagery present in the novel The Stone Angel.

The Stone Angel is a novel that explores several ideas common to the novel of awakening: the survival of personality, the function of memory the importance of coming to terms with female sexuality, and the necessity of accepting the past in order to understand the present.  It has several thematic aspects.


There is a lot in a name, in a title. Titles are important as they should in some way express the theme of the book in a rather poetic way. The Stone Angel confronts the reader with a challenge that is felt all the more because of the oxymoron quality of the phrase.
As the opening paragraph describes .......................

(For the complete answer and also the full set of answers of 1st and 2nd year MEG  mail me :, you may also call or Whatsapp me to get instant reply: +919947147185)

The two motifs that are central to the novel The Solid Mandala.

July 2016 & January 2017 Sessions

Programme: MEG
Assignment Code: MEG-08/TMA/2016-17

Max Marks: 100

9. Discuss the two motifs that are central to the novel The Solid Mandala.

Motif in a literary aspect is a subject, an idea or a phrase that is repeated and developed in a work of literature. There are two major motifs that are central to the narrative namely Androgyny and Mandala motifs and some implications they have for the interpretation of the novel.

Androgyny motif

The allusions to Tiresias and the hermaphrodite Adam are the strongest manifestation of the androgynous figure in the text. A weaker version of this motif is seen in textual representation s of transvestitism. “The union of ....................................

(For the complete answer and also the full set of answers of 1st and 2nd year MEG  mail me :, you may also call or Whatsapp me to get instant reply: +919947147185)

The theme of Brathwaite’s poem “Angel/Engine

July 2016 & January 2017 Sessions

Programme: MEG
Assignment Code: MEG-08/TMA/2016-17

Max Marks: 100

8. What is the theme of Brathwaite’s poem “Angel/Engine”? Discuss in detail.

“Angel/Engine” is from the final section of Braithwaite’s 1977 collection Mother Poem. This section is entitled “koumfort” and in it’s the possibility of spiritual renewal is imagined. Coined from the Haitian Creole word for temple, the title of this section suggests ways in which African connections are preserved.

The “womanist” experience is central to this poem in which the first section mentions a series of relationships between women: the house belongs to the subject’s aunt, she was brought up by her “godma” and has a “foolish” daughter named “christofene.”

The poverty –stricken surrounding ............................

(For the complete answer and also the full set of answers of 1st and 2nd year MEG  mail me :, you may also call or Whatsapp me to get instant reply: +919947147185)

Aspects of Walcott’s personal life in the poem Midsummer

July 2016 & January 2017 Sessions

Programme: MEG
Assignment Code: MEG-08/TMA/2016-17

Max Marks: 100

7. Midsummer explores aspects of Walcott’s personal life. Comment with examples from the poem.

Like 'Another Life', a sequence of lyrics from Walcott’s middle period of poetry, Midsummer is an exploration of aspects of the poet’s intensely personal moments of life.

In both collections, the influence of the American poet Robert Lowell’s much acclaimed Life Studies can be traced. Lowell’s work contains poetic and prose recollections of his family, his childhood and his mature experiences of marriage, imprisonment and hospitalization for mental problems. This started the trend of r what came to be called ‘’Confessional” poetry in which the revelation of the private universe with its entire attendant irrationally became acceptable. Madness, for instance.......................

(For the complete answer and also the full set of answers of 1st and 2nd year MEG  mail me :, you may also call or Whatsapp me to get instant reply: +919947147185)

Role of irony and humour in the novel A House for Mr. Biswas

July 2016 & January 2017 Sessions

Programme: MEG
Assignment Code: MEG-08/TMA/2016-17

Max Marks: 100

6. What role do irony and humour play in the novel A House for Mr. Biswas? Substantiate your answer with examples from the text of the novel.

Any discussion on the use of irony and humor in A House for M.r Biswas would start with a look at the title and what it signifies. The title of the story by Seepersad Naipaul, on which it is based, is “They Called Him Mohun”, much more informal with a touch of closeness/intimacy, conveyed in the use of the first name.

The nature of humor in the novel varies. Sometimes it borders on pathos as when describing the education system sometimes there is a black edge to it is in the passages describing the way in which Mr. Biswas and Shama get married. At times it is light hearted with just a trace of resentment at being patronized. Mr. Biswas’ resentment at being sucked into the Tulsi household found an outlet in the absurd names ..........................................

(For the complete answer and also the full set of answers of 1st and 2nd year MEG  mail me :, you may also call or Whatsapp me to get instant reply: +919947147185)