
Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Victimization and suppression of women in Ice-Candy Man with special reference to the major female characters

July 2016 & January 2017 Sessions

Programme: MEG
Assignment Code: MEG-08/TMA/2016-17

Max Marks: 100

5. Ice-Candy Man highlights feminist concerns like victimization and suppression of women in patriarchal societies. Discuss with special reference to the major female characters present in the novel.
The prominent characters in Ice –Candy-Man are mostly women, and at the center of them is Lenny-a girl child who is also the narrator. Though the paradigm of ‘woman-as-victim’ features in almost all writings on the theme of Partition, Ice-Candy-Man stands apart from the rest in its dramatization of this paradigm. The extensive featuring of women’s shared experiences of victimization in the communal riots is here complimented by a presentation of their oppression and the strategies to overcome the oppression.

We instantly recognize that Lenny in Ice-Candy-Man is far cry from the girl-child whose presence is patterned on ‘submission and subordination’. Though she is located on the margins of her milieu-as physically ...............

(For the complete answer and also the full set of answers of 1st and 2nd year MEG  mail me :, you may also call or Whatsapp me to get instant reply: +919947147185)

Theme, structure and characterization in Soyinka's play A Dance of the Forests

July 2016 & January 2017 Sessions

Programme: MEG
Assignment Code: MEG-08/TMA/2016-17

Max Marks: 100

4. Attempt an analysis of Soyinka’s play A Dance of the Forests in terms of theme, structure and characterization.
Because A Dance of the Forests was written primarily for a Nigerian audience, it can be best appreciated through an understanding of Yoruba culture. A recurring figure in Soyinka’s plays is Ogun, the Yoruba god of war, fire, carving, and metal.

As Soyinka says in his essay “The Fourth Stage” (1976), “Ogun stands for a transcendental, humane but rigidly restorative justice.” By using elements of traditional Yoruba performance such as dance and music, Soyinka creates an effect of cathartic ritual. Yoruba myth and its ritual drama, however.......................

(For the complete answer and also the full set of answers of 1st and 2nd year MEG  mail me :, you may also call or Whatsapp me to get instant reply: +919947147185)

A Grain of Wheat as a complex portrayal of history.

July 2016 & January 2017 Sessions

Programme: MEG
Assignment Code: MEG-08/TMA/2016-17

Max Marks: 100

3. A Grain of Wheat is based on the Kenyan National Movement. Analyse the novel as a complex portrayal of history.
‘A Grain of Wheat’ written by Ngugi is a portrayal of traumatic phase in the history of Kenya. The so-called-Mau Mau, a phase in which sections of a highly complex society comprising of people belonging to various African tribes, white settlers and Indians acted and reacted to events of violence in a highly emotionally surcharged and often contradictory manner.

As P. Ochola- Ojero comments .....................................

(For the complete answer and also the full set of answers of 1st and 2nd year MEG  mail me :, you may also call or Whatsapp me to get instant reply: +919947147185)

Socio-political and historical contexts tht shaped the literature of Australia

July 2016 & January 2017 Sessions

Programme: MEG
Assignment Code: MEG-08/TMA/2016-17

Max Marks: 100

2. What geographical, socio-political and historical contexts have shaped the literature of Australia?

Australia, the smallest of continents, the largest of islands, fifth among the world’s nations in area, had indigenous peoples living there for thousands of years before the British claimed the land as terra nullius-empty land-following Captain James Cook’s invasion in 1788. It established a penal colony and named it New South Wales. Other colonies of the British Empire were gradually added.

For a long time the narration of the history of Australia began with Cook’s invasion and the Aboriginal people were considered mere wards of the state rather that as full citizens in their own right. It was only in 1967.........

(For the complete answer and also the full set of answers of 1st and 2nd year MEG  mail me :, you may also call or Whatsapp me to get instant reply: +919947147185)

The impact of colonization, emancipation and the indentured system on the Caribbean identity

July 2016 & January 2017 Sessions

Programme: MEG
Assignment Code: MEG-08/TMA/2016-17

Max Marks: 100

1.      Discuss the impact of colonization, emancipation and the indentured system on the Caribbean identity.

Ans:  The colonial encounter between the immigrants and the original inhabitants had a great impact on the culture, society and history of Caribbean. Any engagement with Caribbean literary production would be incomplete without an engagement with the colonial encounter and its impact.

Geographically, The Caribbean is a region that consists of the Caribbean Sea, its islands and the surrounding coasts. The region is southeast of the Gulf of Mexico and the North American mainland, east of Central America, and north of South America.........................

(For the complete answer and also the full set of answers of 1st and 2nd year MEG  mail me :, you may also call or Whatsapp me to get instant reply: +919947147185)

British drama in the twentieth century

(Based on Blocks 1-9)

Programme: MEG
Ast code: MEG-02/TMA/2016-17

Max. Marks: 100

7. Write an essay on British drama in the twentieth century.

Drama was introduced to England from Europe by the Romans, and auditoriums were constructed across the country for this purpose.

Twentieth Century British theatre is commonly believed to have started in Dublin, Ireland with the foundation of the Irish Literary Theater by William B.Yeats,  Lady Gregory, and  J.M.Synge. (Greenblatt 1843) Their purpose was to provide a specifically Celtic and Irish venue that produced works that “stage[d] the deeper emotions of Ireland.” (The Abbey's) The playwrights of the Irish Literary Theater (which later became the Abbey Theater, as it is known today) were part of the literary revival and included:  Sean O’Casey, J.M. Synge, W.B. Yeats, Lady Gregory and Edward Martyn, to name a few. In England the well-made play genre was being rejected and replaced with actors and directors who were committed to bringing both reform and a serious audience to the theatre by appealing to the younger............

(For the complete answer and also the full set of answers of 1st and 2nd year MEG  mail me :, you may also call or Whatsapp me to get instant reply: +919947147185)

The framework of a romance with unromantic elements thrown into the play Pygmalion

(Based on Blocks 1-9)

Programme: MEG
Ast code: MEG-02/TMA/2016-17

Max. Marks: 100

QNO 6:  Do you think that Pygmalion has the framework of a romance with unromantic elements thrown into it? Illustrate your answers with examples.
  'Pygmalion' is a play written by George Bernard Shaw. It tells the story of the transformation of a young girl's life.
Pygmalion is a wonderful play about Eliza Doolittle.  Eliza is a young educated girl working in the flower district of London, England.  On night she runs into Professor Henry Higgins, a noted professor of phonetics.  Higgins is intrigued by her broken speech and low station in life.  He believes he can tell all he needs to about a person based on his speech ............

(For the complete answer and also the full set of answers of 1st and 2nd year MEG  mail me :, you may also call or Whatsapp me to get instant reply: +919947147185)

Theme of The Playboy of the Western World

(Based on Blocks 1-9)

Programme: MEG
Ast code: MEG-02/TMA/2016-17

Max. Marks: 100

QNO 5:  What according to you is the theme of The Playboy of the Western World?
The playboy of The Western World, first written and performed just over one hundred years ago still addresses many themes that are relevant in today's society. The play is set in rural western Ireland, still under British rule and still in relative poverty; the play is set over just one day.

 The general themes that are addressed in the play are; feelings of community, the importance of fantasy and reality, Heroism, love, authority and morality. All of which can be applied to today's society.
The playboy of The Western World has....................

(For the complete answer and also the full set of answers of 1st and 2nd year MEG  mail me :, you may also call or Whatsapp me to get instant reply: +919947147185)

The Alchemist as a satire

(Based on Blocks 1-9)

Programme: MEG
Ast code: MEG-02/TMA/2016-17

Max. Marks: 100

QNO4: Examine The Alchemist as a satire .
he appreciation of Jonson’s comedy (Johnsonian Comedy) has been complicated by confining his contribution to the virtual invention of the genre, Comedy of Humours, undue emphasis on his classical erudition and alleging the want of Shakespearian spontaneity of spirit. Moreover, Johnson’s occasional observations on the nature and function of comedy, dispersed, as they are, throughout his plays do not offer a consistent conception of comedy except through an over simplification. Jonson’s defining of the impact of his satiric comedy is further highlighted through attention to the Prologue to The Alchemist. Johnsonian Comedy is examined in its literary social and economic dimensions.     ...................................

(For the complete answer and also the full set of answers of 1st and 2nd year MEG  mail me :, you may also call or Whatsapp me to get instant reply: +919947147185)

Marlowe’s use of irony in Doctor Faustus

(Based on Blocks 1-9)

Programme: MEG
Ast code: MEG-02/TMA/2016-17

Max. Marks: 100

QNO2:  Comment on Marlowe’s use of irony in Doctor Faustus.
rony is the expression of one’s meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect. Marlove’s Doctor Faustus has many ironies in it.
To begin with, Doctor Faustus holds a sort of balance of opposites between morality and heroic strains of tragedy. This oppositional balance is not simply thematic or intellectual but is the core of drama, and particularly that of tragedy, defined as irony. Marlow follows the dramatic form of the play but the point of Marlow‘s irony is a dilemma on the part of.........................

(For the complete answer and also the full set of answers of 1st and 2nd year MEG  mail me :, you may also call or Whatsapp me to get instant reply: +919947147185)  

Have you not done tormenting me with your accursed time?

(Based on Blocks 1-9)

Programme: MEG
Ast code: MEG-02/TMA/2016-17

Max. Marks: 100

a.    Have you not done tormenting me with your accursed time?

These lines are taken from Samuel Beckett’s Waiting for Godot. The play, Waiting for Godot, is at its heart, a play about what defines life and death.  What does it mean to be alive?  Existentially alive?  Vladimir's quote is in reference to something that Pozzo said as he was leaving the stage just a page or two before this.  Pozza expresses his extreme frustration with Vladimir's questions about time and when things happened.  Pozzo proclaims.


(For the complete answer and also the full set of answers of 1st and 2nd year MEG  mail me :, you may also call or Whatsapp me to get instant reply: +919947147185)

d. They know and do not know, what it is to actor suffer They know and do not know, that action is suffering And suffering is action.

(Based on Blocks 1-9)

Programme: MEG
Ast code: MEG-02/TMA/2016-17

Max. Marks: 100

a.    They know and do not know, what it is to actor suffer
They know and do not know, that action is suffering
And suffering is action.

These lines have been taken from the Drama “Murder in the Cathedral” is written by T.S.Eliot. Murder in the Cathedral is a verse drama by T.S. Eliot that portrays the assassination of Archbishop Thomas Becket in Canterbury Cathedral in 1170, first performed in 1935.

In these lines the author says........................

(For the complete answer and also the full set of answers of 1st and 2nd year MEG  mail me :, you may also call or Whatsapp me to get instant reply: +919947147185)

Oh that! Mere alliteration, Mrs. Pearce, natural to a poet.

(Based on Blocks 1-9)

Programme: MEG
Ast code: MEG-02/TMA/2016-17

Max. Marks: 100

a.    Oh that! Mere alliteration, Mrs. Pearce, natural to a poet.

These lines are taken from Bernard Shaw’s Pygmalion. The lines are spoken by Professor Higgins when Mrs. Pearce told him ‘’ only this morning sir, you applied it to your boots, to the butter and to the brown bread.”
Mrs. Pearce, the lady who works in the house of Higgins asks him not to...................... 

(For the complete answer and also the full set of answers of 1st and 2nd year MEG  mail me :, you may also call or Whatsapp me to get instant reply: +919947147185)